Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Traveling Safely with Infants & Children - Passport Health Can Help

Traveling Safely with Infants & Children (partial article from CDC Yellow Book 2012)

Nicholas Weinberg, Michelle Weinberg, Susan A. Maloney

"The number of children who travel or live outside their home countries has increased dramatically. An estimated 1.9 million children travel internationally each year. Although data about the incidence of pediatric illnesses associated with international travel are limited, the risks that children face while traveling are likely similar to the risks that their parents face. The most commonly reported health problems among children are:

Diarrheal illnesses
Dermatologic conditions
Systemic febrile illnesses, especially malaria
Respiratory disorders

Motor vehicle and water-related accidents are also major health problems for child travelers. In assessing a child who is planning international travel, clinicians should:

Review routine childhood and travel-related vaccinations. The pre-travel visit is an opportunity to ensure that children are up to date on routine vaccinations.
Assess all travel-related activities.
Provide preventive counseling and interventions tailored to specific risks, including special travel preparations and treatment that may be required for children with underlying conditions, chronic diseases, or immunocompromising conditions.
Give special consideration to the risks of children who are visiting friends and relatives in developing countries. These conditions may include increased risk of malaria, intestinal parasites, and tuberculosis.
Consider counseling adults and older children to take a course in basic first aid before travel."

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